
Berlin, July 18, 2024

Weitnauer advises on the takeover of school equipment supplier Erstling by Soennecken

A Weitnauer team led by Prof. Dr. Frank Hammel and Andreas Michael has comprehensively advised Blue Fund Consulting & Invest GmbH (“Blue Fund”) on the acquisition of Erstling GmbH (“Erstling”) by Soenecken eG (“Soenecken”).

With retroactive effect from April 1, 2024, Soenecken acquired from Blue Fund all shares in Erstling GmbH, a specialized supplier of school books, school furniture and digital technology, among other things. With the acquisition of Erstling, Soennecken intends to compensate for the decline in the traditional office supplies business caused by the ongoing digitalization and to open up new business areas. The aim is to use Erstling's expertise to gain further market share and ensure the cooperative's long-term performance.

Advisor Blue Fund Consulting & Invest GmbH

Prof. (NNU) Dr. Frank Hammel (IP-/IT-Recht)

Andreas Michael, LL.M. (Corporate/M&A)


Advisor Soennecken eG

McDermott Will & Emery Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main): Dr. Michael Cziesla (Corporate/M&A); Dr. Christian Marzlin (Corporate/M&A)


About Erstling GmbH:

Erstling GmbH is one of Germany's leading specialist retailers of equipment for daycare centers, schools, universities and other educational institutions of all kinds.The company sees itself as a holistic solution provider at eye level with customers and business partners.
With a 52-year tradition, its expertise lies in a wide range of teaching and learning materials. The company is based in Berlin, employs 25 people and achieved a turnover of 21.2 million euros in the past financial year.